

Mittwoch, 25. Juni 2014 Location: Frankfurter Schule für Bekleidung und Mode, Hamburger Allee 23, 60486 Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland

STYLE AWARD Finalists from the Frankfurter Schule für Bekleidung und Mode

Together with PRP Kronberg, I visited the workshop of the five Frankfurt STYLE AWARD finalists from the Institution der Frankfurter Schule für Bekleidung und Mode to check up on the progress of their designs and got an in-detail explanation about their work! Now that exams are over, the finalists can concentrate completely on their outfits for the upcoming Award Ceremony and Gala. I am definitely looking forward to seeing the finished products on the runway. Check out the other finalists here.

In addition, the finalists gave me some Frankfurt location tips! Take a look at them below. Personal reviews will follow.

Finalist Suggestions:

Bar ohne Namen- "The feeling here is indescribable! It is simply my favorite place in Frankfurt. The motto: good times for good people." -Sabrina  Bleyer

Langosch - "A very nice restaurant in an industrial style building that has many vegan options on the menu." -Sabrina Bleyer

Heavenly Delight- "Ein Geheimtipp in Frankfurt ist ohne Zweifel das „Heavenly Delight“, es ist ein Platz zum Wohlfühlen, denn der Laden strahlt aus, was man empfindet wenn man in so einen Cupcake reinbeißt-himmlisch gut und unglaublich niedlich."- Aileen Kern

Farbenfabrik Flohmarkt- I am personally very excited to attend the next one!


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